Are they the one?

If you have to ask, the answer is probably “no”.

For a number of years, I received requests to read about a partner’s intensions. Eventually, I found my energies were not having it anymore. While the appointments were plentiful, and the money was good, the same internal question kept repeating: Is this why you chose to read for people? Simply put, no.

Tarot is an intuitive way to look for next steps and guidance in one’s life. If you want to know if someone is cheating on you, why they keep ghosting you, or if they are “the one”, then you probably already know the answer. So, why pay good money to have Tarot give you the answer?

The best way to get the most bang for your buck out of Tarot is to come with a clear mind, a grounded approach, and most importantly – be open to what Tarot has to tell you. Many times I have found Tarot needs you to know something important about an event coming up or a path you need to take on your life’s journey; you just need to be open to receiving it.

If, however, you are weighing options in your life such as changing careers, uprooting and moving to a new environment, or thinking about starting over again? Then Tarot can and will provide you guidance. And, yes, Tarot will confirm if they are cheating on you, but don’t you already know the answer to that question???