Are they the one?

If you have to ask, the answer is probably “no”.

For a number of years, I received requests to read about a partner’s intensions. Eventually, I found my energies were not having it anymore. While the appointments were plentiful, and the money was good, the same internal question kept repeating: Is this why you chose to read for people? Simply put, no.

Tarot is an intuitive way to look for next steps and guidance in one’s life. If you want to know if someone is cheating on you, why they keep ghosting you, or if they are “the one”, then you probably already know the answer. So, why pay good money to have Tarot give you the answer?

The best way to get the most bang for your buck out of Tarot is to come with a clear mind, a grounded approach, and most importantly – be open to what Tarot has to tell you. Many times I have found Tarot needs you to know something important about an event coming up or a path you need to take on your life’s journey; you just need to be open to receiving it.

If, however, you are weighing options in your life such as changing careers, uprooting and moving to a new environment, or thinking about starting over again? Then Tarot can and will provide you guidance. And, yes, Tarot will confirm if they are cheating on you, but don’t you already know the answer to that question???

Why Blocked Energies Occur

Connecting with others is not always an easy task. First it’s the small talk then the questions that seem uncomfortably prying. But then the very moment you hit on that one theme that connects you to another the conversation takes off seamlessly. So why are some people better to connect with than others?

From birth onward, we are conditioned by nature as well as nurture. Our experiences can cause trauma or open us up to enlightenment, depending on the lessons we learn. Because of those experiences, we subconsciously condition ourselves either by closing up our emotional side or creating defensive walls keeping others from hurting us further. Through this, we unknowingly build blockages within our energies.

Much like a clogged drainpipe, our energy wheels – or Chakras – become backed up with negative words and images. The brain acts like a television program with the volume turned down. The more negative or traumatic images we see in life the more our brain programs itself that these images are normal. Since the brain sends signals throughout our body, those negative influences can then settle into our Chakras and begin to cause damage.

Just like the clogged-drainpipe analogy, garbage that sits too long will begin to cause rot. This energetic rot then manifests itself into physical ailments, which may cause us to slouch, or have pain that no doctor can explain, or break out in a rash. Blocked energy cannot move freely throughout the body in a clear and productive way. Emotional trash settles in and begins to decay.

When we meet someone that we are just not able to connect with on an emotional level – even within the first few minutes of meeting them – it may be because their energies are blocked. They are not able to relax and enjoy meeting new people. Their defenses may be up unconsciously and their brain releases misinformation (i.e., that an otherwise pleasant encounter is a ruse for deceit).

If you experience a lack of energy, have symptoms of agoraphobia, or would rather not meet new people, then your Chakras may need a good tune up. There could be a blockage that some meditation, yoga, and non-processed foods can help clear up. A bit of caution, though, for any energy work Chakras must be opened under the guidance of someone well-versed AND well-trained in this form of therapy. If done incorrectly, the results can cause more anxiety than we bargained for.

Want a Chakra reading to get you started on determining where those blocked energy channels are? Want to feel more comfortable during small talk and initial encounters with others? Let’s take a look at the Chakra cards and get you started on a more enlightened path.

Protect Your Energy

Connecting with another human on an emotional level can be draining. I should know. As a shy…no, insecure extravert, being around others can either be super scary or super draining for me. But I n.e.e.d. to be around others. How do I combat the negative feelings? I am consciously aware of them and I take ownership of it. I understand that people are not there to command my attention or vampirically drain me. Knowing that we allow people to take or give us energy is an important step to self-preservation.

When I am doing a Tarot reading, I pick up if they are blocking the flow of energy. How I make sure I do not absorb that block is by letting them know they are in a safe space and that what we discuss is between us. Period. Sometimes a little reassurance is all we need to relax. If that does not work, I let the person know gently they are blocking energy from being present. We take a few deep breaths, chat a while about other things, and begin the reading.

Sometimes people protect their energy for fear of being vulnerable. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. It is protective armor we wear due to years of physical, verbal, or emotional abuse. When the armor is removed, we feel like a Tarantula that has shed its shell – exposed, naked, and sensitive. Therefore, we keep the armor on because it makes sense to never take it off.

Taking ownership of our insecurities and understanding that we are in charge of who we are, the decisions we make, and the things we like replaces dented armor with a beautiful smock of silk, flowing and inviting, but still a light barrier to let others know that they may approach but not consume.

So, take a deep breath and let’s connect with the Tarot without walls or defenses up and help you choose the best path for you.

How many cards should be pulled during a reading?

The answer is, “it all depends”.

Initially, I pull three cards to start the reading. Below them, I lay down two. Then, I place a fifth card below the stack. The theme displayed in the first three cards help give an overall feeling of the reading. The first three cards represent the “who” and/or “what” of the reading. Sometimes it represents the past, present, and future.

The next two cards add more depth to the first three, and the fifth card at the bottom tie the theme together. Looking for answers to the What, Who, When, Where, Why, and How are my best routes when asking Tarot for guidance. One card may be enough to begin with, but three, four, and then five will begin to provide a much broader view of the situation.

Want to know more? Ask the Hazel-Eyed Pearl!

True or False: Psychics know what you had for breakfast…

If the psychic is truly gifted and not a scam, then the answer is False. Psychics pick up your energy, vibrations, and messages from your guides. They are not aware of what you do in your day-to-day life. That is not what a gift would be most useful for, right?

If you come to a reading expecting the psychic to read your mind, then that would be a violation of your personal rights as the owner of your thoughts. But, what a psychic can do is read your energy and tap into the energy of those around you.

Movie themes have confused the idea of what a psychic truly is. While, yes, they may actually see dead people, their senses tap into what the dead person’s energy is trying to convey: a warning, a message of love, or perhaps a need for protection. Even then the psychic only sees these messages through their mind’s eye. Think of it like watching a movie in your head with blurry vision. You know what is happening, but the images are taking place under water. This is when a psychic will employ their five senses. That means while it is hard to actually “see” what is taking place, a true psychic will feel, smell, listen, and perhaps hear what is going on around you.

As the old saying goes: If psychics are real then why haven’t they predicted winning lottery numbers for themselves? Psychic gifts are not meant for profit. They are, however, meant for guidance and support for those who have not yet tapped into their own intuition and gifts. That being said, there is an exchange of energy that takes place.

We all have the opportunity to be psychics to some degree, but many of us have heavy emotional baggage or surface-level responsibilities that do not allow us to truly listen to our inner selves. Our consciousness – or energy – came from another existence before we were born and it will eventually go back to where it came from on some level. How you are able to tap into your own higher guides is up to you. Sit with it. Meditate with it. Lucid dream it into being if that is your wish, and it will happen.

Until then, don’t waste your money or a true psychic’s time with questions that you already know the answers to. Focus on your path, why the lights keep flickering in your house, and what your own higher calling is. Truly, that will be money well spent.