Q. When are you available for a session and how much are they?

A. I am available most days upon appointment request. Although I steer clear from third-shift sessions, I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. My costs are based on the length of time you need (click here for my list of sessions and pricing).

Q. Can you foresee the future?

A. I cannot. And neither can anyone else. You write the story of your life through the choices you make. If you do not like the way your life is going, change it. Want to know how? That is where the cards and I come in. Tarot “predicts” what can happen, but you ultimately decide what WILL happen.

Q. What religion to you follow?

A. I follow the energies of the earth and what God wants me to follow. Although I grew up following the Lutheran doctrine (E.L.C.A.), I incorporate the Buddhist philosophy in order to live my best life through the “middle way”. There are no judgements from me regarding your religious following. If you want to pray during our session, I will pray with you. I have respect for all people’s beliefs.

Q. Why do you charge for your sessions?

A. When you and I have a session together, we exchange energy. I provide you with my energy and in turn you provide me a fee for that energy.

Q. Do you have a YouTube channel?

A. Yes! I am uploading content all the time. Check it out!

Q. Will you be able to help me if I am suicidal?

A. I am not equipped or trained to help you in your darkest moments. But I beg you to reach out to someone who is: 1-800-273-8255.

Q. Can the Tarot summons demons or open a portal to Hell?

A. I have never personally experienced that; however, I do go through a number of protection methods daily to prevent negative interference…just in case.

Q. What time zone are you in?

A. My location is in the Eastern Standard Time zone of the United States.